Confidence Boxes#

class pba.cbox.Cbox#

Confidence boxes (c-boxes) are imprecise generalisations of traditional confidence distributions

They have a different interpretation to p-boxes but rely on the same underlying mathematics. As such in pba-for-python c-boxes inhert most of their methods from Pbox.


Pbox (_type_): _description_


It is usually better to define p-boxes using distributions or non-parametric methods (see ). This constructor is provided for completeness and for the construction of p-boxes with precise inputs.


left – Left bound of the p-box. Can be a list, NumPy array, Interval or numeric type. If left is None, the left bound is set to -inf.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#


It is usually better to define p-boxes using distributions or non-parametric methods (see ). This constructor is provided for completeness and for the construction of p-boxes with precise inputs.


left – Left bound of the p-box. Can be a list, NumPy array, Interval or numeric type. If left is None, the left bound is set to -inf.

add(other, method='f')#

Adds to Pbox to other using the defined dependency method